Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spirituality in Democracy

I was watching Vaibhav Shiva DVD, in which Sadhguru talks about how in early days, the Kings nurtured Spirituality. That's when, this thought just flashed through my mind. In India, the Kings encouraged and supported Spirituality. This was done not to win any election, but just to develop spirituality. However, in the last few decades, governments and other political parties have been developing/supporting a particular religion just to gain mass support. There is no spirituality in this.

I see that in this century, it's with common people's support that spiritual organizations have been growing. Then I realized, oh yes, people are the Kings in our country - that's democracy for us. So no wonder the common man - the King of today's India - is nurturing Spirituality.

P.S.: Please do not argue with me if common man is really the King of India. That's a theoretical statement which holds true atleast in the context of Spirituality.

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